Val'andil Tribe
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Information for the miners

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Information for the miners Empty Information for the miners

Post  Guest Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:41 pm

Hello Val'andillians (as Iluvenis calls it, sounds like a type of reptile to me :S )

First of all, thanks to Damara Pyrell who recently donated One Billion ISK to the corp. You're my new favourite person Damara Razz Anyone else who wishes to donated to the corp, then feel free to do so Smile.

Anyway, onto the main subject. Anyone who is interested in mining and hasn't done so already, sign up to the Miners Mailing list, so that you are aware of any upcoming mining ops etc. To sign up, you need to open your EVE Mail (Which you should already have done, you're reading this mail right?) And click on "Add Mailing List". Enter "Val'andil Miners" and confirm it. The mailing list should appear in the Mailing Lists drop down box. Make sure to check it occasionally to make sure you aren't missing anything.

While I'm on the subject about mining, I want all the miners to get into Retrievers. If any of you need skillbooks for the Retriever, then make a post in the Miner's mailing list and I will get the skillbooks for you, free of charge.

One more thing, the miner's HQ will be moving from Lisudeh to Lower Debyl, due to the fact that it has Kernite (I know some people have been having fun mining Kernite recently), and it's got all the manufacturing and research slots we'd need to get into production in the future. I will be moving everything from Lisudeh to Lower Debyl soon, so we'll be holding our mining ops there from now on.

Lastly, if anyone has any friends who are wanting to get into EVE, or are already playing EVE and looking for a corp, then tell them to contact either me; Watanabe Shirou, Iluvenis Faelivrin or Naibasak.

Okay, I think that's everything now (though knowing me I'll remember something straight after posting this), sorry for the long post. I'll try and organise a mining op for either today or Friday night to make up for it Razz. Till then, fly safe guys o/

Watanabe Shirou


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